
Neural Artist let you easily create and share your own artworks with the community in a totally free way. In create section, You just need to upload your picture and choose a style, the server will transform your picture into an artistc image. After transformation, you can write a post about your image, or even share your post to Facebook. Furthermore, you can also chat with everyone online in the chat room.


The image transformation is achieved by feed-forward Convolutional Neural Network. The algorihm is based on Johnson's Perceptual Losses for Real-Time Style Transfer and Super-Resolution, and the implementation is modified from lengstrom's work with optimization in deployment. The training dataset is from Microsoft coco train2014. Some style images are from unsplash, while others are from modern artists or historical artists. For illustrative purposes, some post data are from Node.js faker and coco dataset.


Hello there! I'm Chun-Yi Tu, a software engineer passionate about building impactful applications. I specialize in leveraging the potential of Machine Learning and enjoy the broader spectrum of software development. Feel free to reach out.